A collection of my work with more of a corporate feel to it. I worked for the University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality Healing for over a year during my college career. 
This position gave me ample opportunity to improve my typography and layout skills and copywriting, editing, and proofing. 
Wellbeing Model Handout. 2023.
A series of handouts for Nutritional Strategies Workshops. 2023.
Iconography for a proposal document. 2023.
Educational flyers for the Mindfulness Programs offered by the Bakken Center. 2022.
Social Media Promotional Posts. 2022.
Social post promoting an open position. 2022.
Social post promoting an open position. 2022.
Social post promoting Wellbeing Guide. 2022.
Social post promoting Wellbeing Guide. 2022.
Social post promoting an open position. 2022.
Social post promoting an open position. 2022.
Social post promoting wellbeing. 2022.
Social post promoting wellbeing. 2022.
Bridge Statement for the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing. 
A series of tip flyers for professionals at M Health Fairview! 2023.
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